Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Three Beautiful Banners!

Firstly, my thanks to the lovely Christag Banner for the beautiful banner I asked her to create for "In Between".  This story has been giving me a hard time.  It will be a multi-chapter story once I can get the characters to cooperate.

Secondly, further thanks to the lovely Christag Banner for the beautiful spanking new banner I've adopted from her for "Be Yourself".  This story will be posting soon.  It's slated to be a one shot, but I am leaving the option open to expand it.

Thirdly, I'd like to thank SoapyMahem for allowing me to adopt the banner for Calming the Storm.  The original idea for the story stems from the song noted therein, but when I saw the banner up for adoption, I knew I just had to have it!

My undying gratitude goes to both of these lovely ladies!


Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Story Banner!

I've added the new banner for At the Rinks  I'm so thrilled that Christine decided to grace me with her banner making talents!  http://christagbanners.blogspot.com/  (@Christag_Banners)


I'm smiling like an idiot this evening!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Miss Sherrie

Welcome to my little corner of the world.  I'd be thrilled if you decided to join me on this little journey.

I've decided to be brave and attempt to post some of the stories I have been working on.  I appreciate all constructive criticism.  Thanks for giving me a chance!
